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View this site as a file cabinet of soundscapes, each page essentially a  folder holding a collection of songs or soundscapes related to each other by theme or time period.


Not a professional musician, for me music as a hobby; no real financial expectations.    I compose at the keyboard, one track inspiring another, resulting in freely improvised ambient soundscapes that still have melodies.   I work using a very modest home work station setup.  Currently my gear involves a Roland RD300sx digital piano, used mainly as a controller through USB, an Asus M70AD computer (now with Win 10).    Software I’m still using is Sonar 8 for mixing, Miroslav Philhamonic for orchestral samples, and various other softsynths. 


Through the Indaba site, I've collaborated on some projects: Peace Partners and the Theorem albums both 1 & 2.   These collaborations involved musicians from US, Canada, and Europe contributing tracks which were eventually mixed into finished songs.   The Theorem site is:

Recently I’ve added a couple collections to the (now closed) “Free Music Archive”.   These were under the CC-SA Creative Commons license, which allowed free downloads and usage as long as attribution is given.   I also have marketed some stuff through Tunecore, so it’s available on Amazon, iTunes and other internet stores.   Search on "Wayne Kinos" (or "Dragon Valley", my latest as of Aug. 2019) in the Digital menu.  Amazon will create a hard-copy CD if you want, tho.   I'm also on  IMDB as a composer, having been placed on that site after an aspiring NY film maker used something attributed to me in a  short film which won a prize in the LA Cinefest.

Most recently I've joined the m"Tribe Of Noise" music site.   Some of the collections on FMA or this site should be on TON.


Contact me below if you want to comment or use any of the tracks for backing etc. of your own music.   


Photos by me unless otherwise noted (eg. NASA or public domain).  




Wayne Kinos, 2017

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